Biofield Viewer

Biofield Viewer Scans Can Help People to Quit Smoking

In a single cigarette smoke, a smoker inhale about 7,000 chemicals, of which 32 are known carcinogens – chemicals that cause cancer in humans. There is, tar which stains teeth, fingernails and lung tissue and had many carcinogens; Hydrogen Cyanide which damages the clearing system of lungs and airways – cilia – ; Oxidizing chemicals which damages heart muscles and blood vessels; Metals and Radioactive compounds which are carcinogenic.

Single puff of smoke attacks the whole body. In short, smoking is very bad!

Everyone who smokes knows smoking is very bad and given enough time smoking will kill them. But smoking is a slow killer, there is no immediate ill effect, there are only long term effects. So far, there was no way to see the damage been done and we, humans, are really bad managing short term pleasure against long term gains.

What if there is a way to visually see the damage?

Following are some of the Biofield Viewer scans that shows smoking damage.

Biofield Scan Image - Chest - Smoker

Above Image of Biofield Scan of the chest of a heavy smoker shows effects of smoking in airways and lungs. Note the note the red and pink shielding indicating congested energy.

Below image of Biofield Scan of the chest of a light smoker shows the damage starting in the airways.

Biofield Scan Image - Chest - Light SmokerBiofield Viewer gives an excellent opportunity relook at the habit of smoking, by seeing the damage.

For anyone who choose to break free from the smoking habit we have support programs – Life Coaching – where we make use of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Reiki to permanently stop the habit.


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